Category: Food and Beverage Manufacturing

AMPAC USA has been a pioneer in advanced water purification systems meant for residential, commercial and industrial purposes. The company has 30 years of experience in the treatment industry and has been primarily worked with reverse osmosis systems. The company recently launched a new line of water treatment products that use Forward Osmosis as a stand-alone process or in conjunction with RO. AMPAC USA's CEO explains more about how the products function and some product features.

Food processing companies deal with direct consumption goods that are sold only when they are believed to be the best for health. Water, an important part of the manufacturing process needs to be absolutely safe to be used for manufacturing purposes. When the water received from the source is not safe, reverse osmosis is a safe option that eradicates every pathogen, organic microorganisms, chemicals, TDS and suspended solids.

Ampac USA talks about how wastewater treatment systems can curb the challenges faced by industries. Early on, the production was fairly localized, limited to either families or villages even. Today large factories find themselves in the position of providing cheese to more than millions of people each day. Before the rejected water from production wasn't a problem.